Today is my friend Nadia’s birthday. Nadia describes herself as a 37 year old transsexual atheist masochist kernel programmer who currently lives and works in the New York City area. I’ve ...
Housemate has creative ways of getting my attention. The other night he went onto my computer, composed a note in WordPad, and left the window open so that I’d read it when I came home. He’s done this...
Emily Carr (1871-1945) was one of British Columbia’s best-known artists and my brother Gino looks just like her see: Here’s a video about Emily: And another video that Gino did about media...
Yesterday was my dear friend Galina’s 36th birthday. While she is gone from this world she lives on in the hearts and memories of those who knew and loved her either in person or through the man...
So yeah, my housemate recently added yet another degree to his “vanity wall”. He got his Master’s in science! w00t! He’s been working on his PhD for the last year or so so I th...
A couple weeks ago I visited my old friend Steph in Nanaimo. We went to a silent auction at the Royal Canadian Air Caedts hall where she won some yoga stuff and I won a $50 gift certificate to Future ...
Housemate has some white out. My legal team has advised me not to say that he stole it, but I’ve done a thorough search of the house and have thus far been unable to procure a receipt for it. Fu...
Something kind of spooky happened the other day during a visit with my good friend Shantel. We were having a conversation about my father, a somewhat intense one at that. I’m thinking of doing some wr...
Back in the mid to late ’90s Galina and I would sometimes write stories together. This one, entitled “Coffee memories” was written for this contest through Second Cup. They wanted pe...
I want to offer my deepest gratitude to the Mid-Island branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association for putting on Galina’s memorial service. They did an incredible job. It was very difficul...