Okay folks, here is my 2019 Christmas newsletter: I distributed hard copies to about 60 people so this is for the benefit of anyone I missed. This year I decided to take a different approach to both t...
Here is the 2018 edition of my Christmas newsletter: 2018 has been a productive and all-around wonderful year and I look forward to further growth in 2019. Here’s my Christmas card:
On June 12, 2018 I graduated from Douglas College with a certificate in office administration, legal. It was, without a doubt, the most dignified and beautiful graduation ceremony that I have ever tak...
On Jan 16, 2017 I got corrective jaw surgery at UBC Hospital, my first-ever surgical procedure. One year on I’m doing better than ever. The surgery was successful, my recovery was brisk and my j...
Greetings from Nanaimo! I’m enjoying a very nice Christmas in my hometown of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. It’s always great to reconnect with old friends and relatives. Anyways, here’s...
GREETINGS FROM NANAIMO! I like to send out a Christmas card and newsletter every year and 2016 was no exception. I miss the days of print media so I welcome any and every opportunity to produce a prin...
I got braces today. I’ve wanted and needed them for as long as I can remember and now that I have them it’s a bit surreal. It’s a dream come true. One of the first things people notice about me is the...
My Facebook feed tells me that today is “National Coming Out Day” and as a self-identified “professional gay” I thought it’d be good to write a little post. I consider myself visibly gay. ...
When I was 12 I received a letter from the Right Honourable Kim Campbell who served as Prime Minister of Canada from 25 June 1993 until 4 Nov. 1993. “It looks like you got something from Ottawa here,”...