Is my housemate a white out thief?

Housemate has some white out.
My legal team has advised me not to say that he stole it, but I’ve done a thorough search of the house and have thus far been unable to procure a receipt for it. Furthermore, he has not gone to any office supply stores lately. It’s possible he purchased it at Safeway or Shoppers, but again, there’s no evidence of this and he never buys office supply stuff when we go there.
When confronted with the cold facts of this case Housemate looked at me with a startled expression and said “are you actually going to blog about the white out?” When I pressed him to explain the origins of the white out he declined further comment and politely requested that I leave his room.
I can’t say that Housemate is guilty of theft (that’s for the courts to decide) but there is an office supply cabinet somewhere missing a container of white out.
there’s still a need for white-out??, Quick, locate your carbon paper supply; see that he hasn’t stolen that too.
I observed housemate sniffing this obviously stolen white out, to get high.
Throw dave down the well, so your country can be free!
Housemate made me feel unwelcome.
Hmm… or how about the storage cupboard?
HE stole it FOR SURE. He needs to say sorry to our family!!