Greetings from Nanaimo! I’m enjoying a very nice Christmas in my hometown of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. It’s always great to reconnect with old friends and relatives. Anyways, here’s...
My Facebook feed tells me that today is “National Coming Out Day” and as a self-identified “professional gay” I thought it’d be good to write a little post. I consider myself visibly gay. ...
I made some Nanaimo bars today! The other day Housemate came home and happily exclaimed that he had purchased some Nanaimo bars and triumphantly plopped this box down on the counter: “Uhm… those aren’...
Youth who grew up in foster care are welcome and wanted at university. So says Vancouver Island University (VIU) in Nanaimo which recently announced that they would waive tuition fees for former youth...
When I was 12 I received a letter from the Right Honourable Kim Campbell who served as Prime Minister of Canada from 25 June 1993 until 4 Nov. 1993. “It looks like you got something from Ottawa here,”...
I was in Nanaimo this week to attend a friend’s wedding. While enjoying a delicious luncheon at Trollers Fish and chips I spotted a dog jumping into his owner’s kayak. How cute!
I have been a journalist for 15 years today. On this date in 1998 the first issue of the Mind’s Eye, a youth newspaper in my hometown of Nanaimo, British Columbia, was published. I was part of the you...
As some of you may know I recently returned from a week-long trip to Quebec. I went out there to be with one of my dearest friends as she celebrated her 30th birthday. She recently moved to Que...
I think I first heard the song “Greatest Love of All” when I needed that love most. It was 1992 and I was in foster care. The love, support, and stability I needed came to an abrupt end every time the...
Emily Carr (1871-1945) was one of British Columbia’s best-known artists and my brother Gino looks just like her see: Here’s a video about Emily: And another video that Gino did about media...