Waffle failure at abc Country Restaurant
Today I had breakfast at the abc Country Restaurant in Kensington Square here in Burnaby.
I felt like eating something “fun” so I ordered their Strawberry Waffle Supreme which is a Belgian waffle served with strawberries and whipped cream. It cost about $10 with tax. I ordered it to go, so they put the waffle in a Styrofoam container which also included smaller containers of strawberries and whipped cream.
The whipped cream portion was noticeably small and when I put it on the waffle I noticed a strand of someone’s black hair. That was gross. The small amount of whipped cream barely covered a quarter of the waffle’s surface area. Suffice to say, the creamy drizzle lent the dish a decidedly unappetizing appearance.
The strawberries, which probably came from a Sysco can, consisted of chunks of pulp floating in sickly sweet red syrup.
The waffle tasted okay when I added some ice cream, but after a few bites I felt something very hard in my teeth. I thought a filling had crumbled out but quickly realised the waffle was sprinkled with black mystery matter. I suspect it was burnt dough from a dirty waffle iron.
I get the impression that the folks at abc mustn’t take a lot of pride in waffle preparation. The food was of low quality, the presentation was nauseating and the hair didn’t improve things. I think it would have been better if they used fresh fruit in place of that canned stuff and gave up a little bit more whipped cream.
wow, what a screw. i’ve had better food at a run-down hotel’s $2 breakfast buffet. shit, i’ve had better waffles at a campground breakfast ran by people still drunk from the night before.
Please stop fabricating stories about our fine eatery.
Yours, Mike
Well, I’m certainly not ordering from ABC ever again.