My friends have been complaining that I haven’t posted one of my famous complaint letters for some time. In the past I loved writing complaint letters as it gave a false sense of agency over my ...
Okay folks, here is my 2019 Christmas newsletter: I distributed hard copies to about 60 people so this is for the benefit of anyone I missed. This year I decided to take a different approach to both t...
I recently read that 1950s actress, singer, model and defender of birds Meg Myles died just two days before her 85th birthday. Firstly, I wish to express my heartfelt condolences to any and all who kn...
A few weeks ago I went to the Elections Canada office at Brentwood Town Centre to update my voter information. When our business was finished the poll clerk invited me to cast my vote there if I so de...
Here is the 2018 edition of my Christmas newsletter: 2018 has been a productive and all-around wonderful year and I look forward to further growth in 2019. Here’s my Christmas card:
On June 12, 2018 I graduated from Douglas College with a certificate in office administration, legal. It was, without a doubt, the most dignified and beautiful graduation ceremony that I have ever tak...
On Jan 16, 2017 I got corrective jaw surgery at UBC Hospital, my first-ever surgical procedure. One year on I’m doing better than ever. The surgery was successful, my recovery was brisk and my j...
Greetings from Nanaimo! I’m enjoying a very nice Christmas in my hometown of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. It’s always great to reconnect with old friends and relatives. Anyways, here’s...
Today my mailman buzzed my door and said, “delivery for Nathaniel Christopher from Her Majesty!” This was a reasonable guess as the envelope was post-marked “Buckingham Palace”...
Today I voted for my candidate of choice in the 41st British Columbia general election… at the mall! The election takes place on May 9 but a lot of people choose to cast their ballot in advance ...