How to get good food for free
Okay, so I went to the food bank today. I went there a few weeks ago and they were out of food. So I came back earlier today, at about 8:45 and waited an hour until they opened up. By that time the lineup behind me had grown considerably.
Many of the volunteers are from the Tzu Chi Foundation, which is this international Buddhist missionary organisation. They find ways of putting their Buddhist teachings into practice around the world. They added a very nice energy to the place.
And the food is quite good. Here is Khan investigating the food bank bounty:
I got: tomatoes, a yellow pepper, potatoes, carrots, pasta sauce, canned ravioli, pasta, crackers, eggs and coffee. I’m probably going to make an ice spagetti dish this weekend and then save the potatoes for a nice potato salad. I’m not sure what I’ll do about the coffee. I don’t drink coffee and my housemate, who is not a picky eater at all, recoiled in horror when I presented him a pound of coffee from a defunct grocery store chain. He says the coffee is “crappy” and asked if it was “food bank coffee” before I even told him I’d gone.
So… does anyone want some coffee? 🙂
I can’t believe how much fresh produce they gave you. That’s pretty sweet!
It’s Western Family, but it’s covered in the old Overwaitea logo!
What brand is the coffee? Is it Western Family (can’t be, that’s still alive and kicking).
I love supermarket own-brands. Thrifty Foods has a spectacular line of canned goods. I think IGA also has a decent brand. Actually, they all probably get it from the same place.