My new cat

I love cats.
Unfortunately I haven’t had a cat for years. In my youth I was constantly moving around and felt a cat might tie me down to one place.
In recent years, however, I have realized the benefits of being a cat owner far outweigh the draw backs of being “tied down”. I like my house and my life here in Vancouver – I don’t see myself moving any time soon. And if I do, I don’t see why I couldn’t bring a cat along with me.
So, in recent months I put it out to the universe: I am ready for a cat. Like clockwork my sister called me and let me know that her neighbour needed a new home for her kitty. His name is Khan, he’s a big grey cat that loves cuddling and cat treats. He’s very needy for affection and loves when visitors come over. He’s had all his shots and has been neutered.
An ideal house pet for Nathaniel!
I took him home on the bus yesterday which traumatized the hell out of him. He meowed himself half to death, much to the annoyance of fellow-passengers. When I got home I opened his cage, but he was too scared to get out, and when he did he hid under the couch where he’s been ever since.
Being uprooted to a new home can be a terrifying experience. I remember how scary it was when I was moved to a new foster homes. It was terrifying. Even now when I move to a new place I find it extremely disorienting and scary. For him, I imagine it’s like that times 10. Not only is he in an unfamiliar place, but he can’t ask me “who are you?” or “where am I?” and “what happened to my old mommy?”
He’ll come out and cuddle with me in his own time. I just need to be patient and understanding. In the meantime I’ve left all sorts of kitty treats under the couch for him and I make sure to meow at him to let him know I love him.
I’ve just noticed that you have a few spelling and grammatical errors in your BLOG–
how old is Khan and I sure like his mouth and general colours, my brother had a similar experience with taking a friends’ cat who is a lot better than when he first got him
it’s only been a few weeks since you’ve had Khan, be patient, I’m sure he’ll come around
maybe in time you can get another cat as a companion to Khan
your lucky to get such a beautiful cat
too bad you didn’t have a tranquilizer for him for the bus journey
i’ll talk more back to you via:e-mail