Toilet paper impresses dozens

Softer side of Sadleir too expensive

Nathaniel Christopher Toast [Peterborough, Ont.] Volume 2 Issue 2

“It’s like wiping your ass with a cloud,” beams Tim Walker, Sadleir House Restoration Assistant, on the merits of the new toilet paper at the downtown student facility.

The toilet paper, which is softer and thicker than the standard wipes usually found beside the toilet, was the brainchild of self-described Sadleir House supporter and enthusiast Jill Stavely. Stavely, who was responsible for purchasing toilet paper and paper towels two weeks ago, opted for the fluffier variety for reasons of economy over taste. “I had $10 to purchase toilet paper and paper towels,” explains Stavely. “The cheap [toilet paper] could only be purchased in bulk and would have cost $7.77 before taxes.”

There would not have been enough money left over to purchase paper towels so she decided to purchase the more expensive toilet paper.

The toilet paper at Sadleir House.
Photo: Nathaniel Christopher

It is available in most Sadleir House bathrooms but is especially nice in the basement loos where the cool humidity adds volume and moisture to the toilet paper.

The new toilet paper has raised some budgetary concerns amongst the leaders of Sadleir House. Sadleir House Steward Stephanie MacMillan expressed a concern that it was not cost effective. When asked her feelings about the toilet paper she stated that she found it to be “too linty” for her liking. However, she feels that the enjoyment and comfort of all guests to Sadleir House is of paramount import.

“We try to make everyone comfortable in Sadleir House,” says MacMillan.

Visitors to Sadleir House should be forewarned that supplies of the new toilet paper are dwindling. Although some of the bathrooms are still stocked up there are no rolls in storage and as of yet no plans to replenish the fluffier variety.

I am a resident of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, who has been blogging here for nearly 25 years. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings on my own online platform. From 1998 until 2017, I worked as a journalist, and I have posted most of my articles in the 'News' section of this website.