I got a digital camera!
The old camera
I bought this camera on a damp June day in 2001 for my trip to California. It cost me about $70 on my Sears card at the Sears in Surrey, British Columbia – a dump of a city. The sales lady was a bitch and so was the camera at times. It was a good camera for the most part. It came with me to the Island several times, to California, across the Sierra Mountains and into the Nevada Desert. It came with me on my 80 hour journey to Ontario and it finally gave up the ghost last week in Montreal. It was a good camera but very rarely did the pictures turn out. Film and what not made this camera an expensive piece of crap in the end. This was the camera that took most of the pictures on this site.
The new camera
Yay! No more clunky film or embarrassing encounters with the film developing people because of some indiscreet pictures on my film. Well the moral crusaders at the Wal-Mart photo developing place may soon be out of work – I have a digital camera! When my old camera broke down I had to go buy a new one – a good one. But the good ones cost just as much as this Kodak DC3200 digital. Naturally I bought it! As soon as I get a USB port for my computer I’ll be able to post pics on my site EVERY DAY!