Singing the praises of Dolly Iris

Nathaniel Christopher 5 Comments

When I shop at Safeway I notice the only dessert they have at the deli is this stuff called ambrosia salad. It’s so good but it’s kind of expensive at $1.19 for every 100 grams.  I really enjoy eating it but I spend too much on it. I’ve been spending some quality time both in person and in blog land with my dear friend Dolly Iris.

I really suck at basic life management skills like cooking, financial management and household organisation.  It’s a weak point with me and has really impeded my life in more ways than I’d like to count. Dolly, however, understands where I come from and never makes me feel ashamed for asking what others might consider a shockingly stupid question such as “What are the basic staple foods you buy every month to keep a kitchen going?”

Anyways, she inspires me in so many ways. So yesterday I decided I would try to actually make all my meals this week. Not from frozen dinners, but scratch.

I started with this ambrosia salad. When I looked up the ingredients I was surprised to notice that I hate each one on their own, but all together it tastes divine and it’s mostly healthy ingredients.

This is what it looked like:


1 can mandarin oranges, drained
1 can pineapple chunks, drained
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup flaked coconut
1 cup sour cream

Gently mix together all ingredients. The sour cream version can be immediately put into serving bowls as it will be firm enough when made. The yogurt version might be a little runny so you may want to refrigerate it for a couple of hours first.

I am a resident of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, who has been blogging here for nearly 25 years. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings on my own online platform. From 1998 until 2017, I worked as a journalist, and I have posted most of my articles in the 'News' section of this website.


  1. It can be hard to always make stuff from scratch. At times it is more expensive. One example of this is Lasagna. But it is way healthier for you to make stuff from scratch. That salad you made looks rather decadent and represents all that made the USA economy crumble. Ambrosia salad? Who are you the king of Quebec?

  2. Don’t feel stupid…when you asked that question about staples in a kitchen, I paused and asked myself the same thing…and I still don’t know. Looks like a good research project for the day! 🙂

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