I’m Chile!

Nathaniel Christopher

I did this silly country quiz… and I’m Chile! Not bad!

You’re Chile!

You’re really skinny, and kind of bumpy in frame, but you’re not as
rough a person as you used to be.  You like long, long, long walks on the beach and
avoiding having your rights violated, just like anybody else does.  You’re even
willing to stand up to those with more power and influence than you, trying to bring them
to justice.  Fight the man!

Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid

I am a resident of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, who has been blogging here for nearly 25 years. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings on my own online platform. From 1998 until 2017, I worked as a journalist, and I have posted most of my articles in the 'News' section of this website.

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