Khan goes for a car ride.

Nathaniel Christopher 3 Comments

So… some people have outdoor cats, others have house cats but Khan is neither. He’s an apartment cat. To him, the great outdoors are limited to the trees visible from my window and the small balcony where he jumps from one pile of storage clutter to the other.

Khan retreats to safety beneath the glove compartment
Khan retreats to safety beneath the glove compartment

He’s shown very little desire to go outside. So, I tend to respect his wishes. But in the future I have visions of taking him with me on trips, going out for walks to the park and taking him to McDonald’s for some ice cream.

Housemate is eager to assist me to this end and has volunteered to bring Khan to his mother’s house in Campbell River for Christmas. Neither of us will be home around then and I’d much rather Khan stay with one of us than search for a cat sitter.

I’m worried that bringing Khan over to the Island cold turkey might be a bit traumatizing for him. So, it was Housemate’s idea to “break him in” by taking him on short car rides. “This way he’ll be used to the car,” he says.

Khan sticks his nose outside the car door
Khan sticks his nose outside the car door

I’ve tried taking Khan outside of the house on my shoulder, but when we get to the stairwell or main hallways of the building he just freaks out. He yowls really loud and begs me to get him back home as soon as possible.

I’ve always interpreted this as his fear of the unknown, but when I got Khan out to the car he seemed to chill out really quickly. I realized that his fear of the stairwell and hallways has more to do with the overwhelming smell and sound of the many dogs that trample through the area every day.

Khan takes in the city sights
Khan takes in the city sights

We decided to bring him along for the ride to the bank and Safeway. He was very calm throughout the ride. He didn’t yowl or meow very much at all. He spent most of the ride at my feet but for some of the time he sat on my lap and looked out at the night scenes of Burnaby.

He is a cat about town!

I am a resident of Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, who has been blogging here for nearly 25 years. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings on my own online platform. From 1998 until 2017, I worked as a journalist, and I have posted most of my articles in the 'News' section of this website.


  1. Hey Janean!

    Aww… thanks for your comment! Khan does love you and hopes you come back to visit sometime. I think what he might need is more regular car journeys so he knows it’s safe and that he’ll be okay.

  2. He needs a crate! If you used a crate for a long car ride he would probably settle down and sleep for most of the ride. Khan is a wonderful cat!:)

  3. He was quite well-behaved. 🙂 I believe I may not have to sedate him on the trip over. 🙂

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